PowerFilm Solar blankets

Published on 14 May 2024 at 10:00


Harnessing the sun with Powerfilm

Welcome back, fellow adventurers! Today, we're diving into a crucial component of our wilderness journeys: PowerFilm Solar Panels. Here at UnPaved Expeditions, we're all about pushing the boundaries of exploration while keeping our ecological footprint light. These solar panels have become an indispensable part of our gear, ensuring we stay connected, powered up, and ready for whatever the wild throws our way.

The Call of the Wild

At UnPaved Expeditions, our passion lies in exploring the untamed corners of the world. From backcountry backpacking trips to rigorous training sessions in the wilderness, and even deep wilderness expeditions, we're always seeking to push our limits while respecting the environment that surrounds us.

The Power of PowerFilm Solar Panels

When it comes to off-grid power solutions, PowerFilm Solar Panels stand out for their efficiency, durability, and portability. These lightweight, flexible panels have revolutionized the way we approach energy on our expeditions. Whether we're trekking through dense forests or scaling rugged peaks, our PowerFilm panels are always there, quietly soaking up the sun's rays and keeping our gear charged.

Backpacking Trips: Lighten the Load

In the world of adventuring, every ounce counts. That's why we love our PowerFilm panels—they're incredibly lightweight and can easily be rolled up or folded and stashed in our packs. During long days on the trail or working through our equipment in a practice scenario we rely on them to keep our GPS devices, radios, spare battery's, headlamps, and other essential electronics juiced up, ensuring we never lose our way in the wilderness or contact with those who are important.

Training Sessions in the Wilderness: Power Up Anywhere

Training in the wild is an integral part of our preparation for the challenges that lie ahead. Whether we're honing our navigation skills or practicing wilderness first aid, having access to reliable power is essential. With our PowerFilm panels, we can set up camp anywhere and have peace of mind knowing that our communication devices are always charged and ready to go.

Deep Wilderness Expeditions: Stay Connected

When we venture into the deep wilderness, staying connected with the outside world becomes even more critical. Our PowerFilm panels allow us to keep our satellite phones, radios, and other communication gear powered up, ensuring that we can call for help in an emergency or simply check in with loved ones back home. In remote areas where power outlets are non-existent, these panels are an absolute game-changer.


With preparedness as core value, we're constantly seeking new ways to push the boundaries of our gear and ourselves all while minimizing our impact on the environment. PowerFilm Solar Panels have become an indispensable part of our gear, providing us with the off-grid power we need to stay safe, connected, and powered up no matter where our adventures take us. So, the next time you're gearing up for a wilderness expedition, consider harnessing the power of the sun with PowerFilm—you won't be disappointed.

 We will not rise to our level of expectations but rather fall to our level of training.

UnPaved Expeditions